The bags are all handmade under fair trade conditions and the leather is chosen on high quality standards.
The leather of the bags is cut from the center of a large cow skin,
so that these cut parts consist of the best and faultless quality of the leather.
Every single product is made by masters in leather handcraft.
This makes our products unique.
They are sustainable because we only produce in small manufactures under fair trade conditions.
We take care of it and we make every effort to meet all the highest standards in this field.
Just in case we do not have some pieces on stock our team needs around 2 months for production.
Type 1 (cm)
43 x 8 x 34
Fit your MacBook 15"
Type 2
35 x 8 x 34
Fit your AirBook 13" or iPad Pro
Type 3
15 x 8 x 34
Fit your things for a great evening
incl. tax
The design of this bag reminds on a simple paper lunch bag. It has 3 styles, by folding. From big size format to three times smaller clutch for the evening.
Limited Edition. We only produce small quantities, in order to produce what gets really bought. Design on demand.
Handmade of 100% real heavy genuine leather under fairtrade conditions.
Can fit your MacBook 15" in Type 1 and 13" in Type 2.
100% genuine high quality leather
lining 100% robust cotton
hidden magnetic buttons
one zipper bag and two pockets inside
Type 1 (cm)
43 x 8 x 34
Fit your MacBook 15"
Type 2
35 x 8 x 34
Fit your AirBook 13" or iPad Pro
Type 3
15 x 8 x 34
Fit your things for a great evening
incl. tax
The design of this bag reminds on a simple paper lunch bag. It has 3 styles, by folding. From big size format to three times smaller clutch for the evening.
Limited Edition. We only produce small quantities, in order to produce what gets really bought. Design on demand.
Handmade of 100% real heavy genuine leather under fairtrade conditions.
Can fit your MacBook 15" in Type 1 and 13" in Type 2.
100% genuine high quality leather
lining 100% robust cotton
hidden magnetic buttons
one zipper bag and two pockets inside